Inspect It 1st Greater Phoenix Metro

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Referral Philosophy

Inspect-It 1st Greater Phoenix Metro’s referral policy is simple.  We don’t take kickbacks from any of our referrals.   And if we use a referral on our own residences or rental properties, we insist that we not receive a “discount” for the work.  (We do expect to get “over the top” service though!)

And if a company offers a referral fee, we direct that fee to the client paying for the service.  And we only refer companies that we have direct experience with, and they only stay on our referral list if they perform services of high value for our clients.  So, if you use one of our referrals, be sure to let them know how you got their name, and then give us some feedback on how they did.

Many of our referrals have been receiving referrals from us for 2 decades!  Some are even transitioning their businesses to sons and daughters that continue the company.  (We do try to refer locally owned and operated companies).

Finally, many property inspection companies receive “fees” for providing clients’ contact information for all types of follow-up services, like security companies, moving companies, etc.  We will never share your contact information (including phone, email, or address) to any company for such purposes, either on an individual or group basis.

If you have any questions, email Marty at [email protected]

Before you Buy, Before you Sell… Inspect-It 1st!

Thanks, Marty (480-471-6781)